Saturday, May 17

Arrive Early – Hartford Regional Market

Need plants for your garden or some early local veggies? Visit the Hartford Regional Market as I did last week with a group from Connecticut Farm to Chefs. (We support a program to promote the use of Connecticut-grown products in our local restaurants and schools.) This coved lot looks kind of empty this coolish spring day. But come starting at 4 AM and it is jammed. Arrive really early, bring a wagon and flashlight and


Wednesday, May 14

Better from Scratch: Almond Milk

If you drink neither bottled fruit juice nor canned soup, why would you purchase almond milk in a carton?  It is just too delicious and easy to make at home. I call this Better from Scratch: Almond Milk. Drink it alone on a hot day, in your coffee, on cereal, soups and in smoothies. Bake with it, cook with it. Enjoy it. The market for “alternative dairy beverages” is more than 23 billion dollars as


"Let no man fancy he knows how to dine
Till he has learnt how taste and taste combine."

-Horace, Satires, 2.4

They're here!

