Any variety of cheese may be used to make this pungent spread called fromage fort or strong cheese in French. It’s ideal to make with all the leftover bits of cheese on hand after a season of entertaining. We make it to tame inventory in the cheese drawer. Restaurateurs make it too, often as a house specialty. (Chef Jacques Chibois served a memorable version made by a local fromager to compliment the aromatic cooking served
Thursday, December 20
Chocolate Caramel Sauce

Deep smoky caramel married with dark chocolate makes for an addicting sweet condiment. Keep this Chocolate Caramel Sauce on hand when you feel a craving coming on. Or when you’re having friends over. And it’s incomparable as a DIY gift. The trick to making caramel is taking care. Make sure to use a pan that is deep enough or the sauce will bubble over when the cream is added. A 1 – 1 ½ quart
"Let no man fancy he knows how to dine Till he has learnt how taste and taste combine."
-Horace, Satires, 2.4