The light that comes in our front window tells me the season. In August, the sun casts a long shadow as it rises in the east. A whitesmith forged the handle on the hook in this photo. It attaches to a wide copper-clad pan that sits under a fireplace spit jack from Bruce Frankel. Bruce created, where he sells everything one needs for cooking with a live fire. Here he is tending a whole lamb for a party
Monday, September 15
Bitter Flavors

I love the bitterness in raw baby artichokes, radicchio, unsweetened chocolate, dark espresso and other bitter drinks. And spices like allspice and cubeb pepper to name a few. I’ve already ordered Jennifer McLagan’s new book Bitter: A Taste of the World’s Most Dangerous Flavor, With Recipes published by Ten Speed Press. She’s explored neglected foods before in Bones: Recipes, History and Lore. Maybe she’ll have uses for the last wiry arugula in my garden. Of
"Let no man fancy he knows how to dine Till he has learnt how taste and taste combine."
-Horace, Satires, 2.4