Some sweets deceive. These Almond Sablé Cookies among them. They require few ingredients. Finely milled blanched almond flour and cultured butter prime among them. The almond flour adds to the sweetness and the cultured European-style butter gives the cookies their rich flavor. The trick is finding the best quality ingredients. And baking the cookies low and slow to develop caramel notes. You can bake these sandy-textured cookies plain. (Sablé means “sandy” in French.) Or you
Thursday, February 13
Salmon Carpaccio

Are you looking for something fast and festive? Consider Salmon Carpaccio as a fresh, unfussy main course or light main meal. Think sashimi with a French twist. The saturated color of thin slices of raw salmon says “fancy” but it is forgiving to prepare. Bread bakers take note. Because fish carpaccio needs a crusty baguette or thin slices of pain de mie, it is a great dish to add to your repertoire. Salmon carpaccio is made
"Let no man fancy he knows how to dine Till he has learnt how taste and taste combine."
-Horace, Satires, 2.4