During the brief season when green almonds are available, I look for as many ways to use them as I can. Most often they are eaten fresh as a snack in countries where almond trees grow. But I’ve rediscovered old ways of serving them (cooked in stews) and new ways to eat them raw. This Green Almond Relish adds a sour crunchy note to cooked vegetable salads such as the beet salad pictured here. Use
Asparagus, Whipped Feta, Poached Egg with Green Almonds and Almond Crumble

Green almond season has me thinking of ways to use this symbolic food, the first fresh green thing to appear in many orchards. This Asparagus, Whipped Feta, Poached Egg with Green Almonds and Almond Crumble is exactly what we like to eat right now. Asparagus are plentiful. David Brown’s chickens are back to laying their fabulous eggs. And crisp sour green almonds add a nice fresh crunch. In early spring, in regions where almond trees
White Wine Butter Cake

Don’t let the modest appearance of this cake deceive you. Like a fine pound cake, this white wine butter cake tastes of sunshine, something we all crave. You start with quality butter and fresh eggs. Then you add a little grated citrus zest. The secret ingredient is using white wine in place of milk. It adds subtle notes that balance the sweetness of this tender sweet. Although I can’t prove it, I suspect that the
"Let no man fancy he knows how to dine Till he has learnt how taste and taste combine."
-Horace, Satires, 2.4