Following the theme of perfect pairings, strawberries and rhubarb are companionable ingredients.  But don’t overlook the happy flavor combination of these seasonal fruits plus almonds. For this Strawberry Rhubarb Almond Tart, prepare a light filling made with almond butter. It adds a toasty flavor and acts as a moisture barrier keeping the crust crisp after baking.

Consider this a master recipe for making summery tarts.

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Here is my mise en place and a nice sheet of the dough rolled out and ready to be filled. (There is no pie or tart dough I like better than this one made in a food processor from Jacques Pepin. It is easy to make and easy to roll out uniformly.) Roll the dough about 1/4-inch thick for the most delectable results.

Strawberry Rhubarb Almond Tart Rolling out the dough.

There is a generous amount of fruit in this tart but no so much as to make the crust soggy.  You want to spread the fruit out into an even layer almost to the edges, which get folded up to form the border.

Strawberry Rhubarb Almond Tart Mounding the fruit on top of the dough

Here you can see that I’ve started to fold over the edges of the dough.

trawberry Rhubarb Almond Tart the unbaked tart with the edges formed

One step you cannot overlook is dotting the surface of both the filling and the crust with butter then sprinkling the crust with a little sugar. This helps the crust develop a lovely burnished sheen.

strawberry Rhubarb Almond Tart The unbaked tart sprinkled with sugar and butter

The secret to getting this tart uniformly crisp is a long bake. Using a baking stone in the oven promotes even browning of the crust.  (For most of our hearth baking at home, we use a baking slate from the Woodstone Corporation.) A using a ceramic platter like the one I used here also produces a nice, deep burnished crust. Or a black steel pan, another favorite of mine works well too.

strawberry Rhubarb Almond Tart closeup

Strawberry Rhubarb Almond Galette

Yield: 10 - 12 Servings

Strawberry Rhubarb Almond Galette


Jacques Fast Flaky Pastry for Pies and Tarts

For the Almond Butter Filling:

½ cup almond butter

2 tablespoons granulated sugar

1 tablespoon honey

1 tablespoon softened butter

For the Tart:

1 pint fresh strawberries, washed, stems removed and sliced

1 pound rhubarb, washed, green ends trimmed, cut into 1-inch lengths

¼ cup granulated sugar

1 Tablespoon flour

1 Tablespoon butter, cut into thin slices

3 Tablespoons granulated sugar

whipped cream or ice cream as needed


  1. Prepare Jacques' Fast Flaky Pastry for Pies and Tarts and chill thoroughly.
  2. To make the Almond Butter Filling: Place all of the filling ingredients in the bowl of a food processor fitted with the metal blade. Process until smooth, adding more honey if needed to make it soft and spreadable.
  3. Place a baking stone, if available, on the middle shelf of the oven. Preheat the oven to 425ºF.
  4. For the Tart: Combine the sliced strawberries, rhubarb, sugar and flour in a mixing bowl. Toss until the fruit is evenly covered with the sugar and flour mixture. Set aside.
  5. Using a lightly floured rolling pin, roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface to form a 14-inch circle. Transfer the dough to a paper-lined baking sheet or flat baking pan. Trim the edges of the dough evenly, if necessary, using kitchen scissors or a paring knife.
  6. Spread the Almond Butter Filling evenly over the dough leaving a 2-inch border along the edges plain. Pour the fruit mixture onto the dough. Spread the fruit out into an even layer.
  7. Fold the edges of the dough over. Dot the crust and fruit with the thin slices of butter then sprinkle evenly with the granulated sugar.
  8. Bake the tart until the crust is browned and the fruit is slightly darkened on top, 45 to 50 minutes. Cool the tart on a wire rack then serve warm with whipped cream or ice cream.